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Sylacauga Fall Festival

The Sylacauga Housing Authority was proud to help present this year's Sylacauga Fall Festival. Thanks to the assistance of the entire Sylacauga Community we were able to welcome over 300 attendees and pass out over 10,000 pieces of candy. Guests were able to enjoy pony rides, hay rides, bouncy houses, trunk or treat, refreshments, and even a cake walk.

This event would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of SHA Staff, Tiffany Nix, DeCorey Hale, Kenneth Funderburg, and many others. We would like to thank all of the businesses and individuals that helped make this event possible.


Sylacauga Parks and Recreation

Sylacauga Police Department

Sylacauga Fire Department

Coosa Valley Medical Center

Sylacauga Civitan Club

Drew Court Headstart


Blue Horizon Travel

Radio Alabama

Coleman's Cleaners

Wells Fargo

Morris Custom Marble & Granite


To view photos from this year's event please visit our albumn. We look forward to next year's fall festival!

For more information please reach out to or call (256)249-0381
